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Georgia Homes and Land Buyer Cash Back Program


Attention all Buyers of Real Estate anywhere in the state of Georgia!   If you are planning to make a purchase of any land, building or house in the state of Georgia we have some exciting news for you!  If you will do three simple things, we can save you a significant amount of money by giving you a 1% of the Purchase Price cashback rebate at Closing simply by using our FULL SERVICE real estate firm to make your purchase.  What are the three things? They are simple….

  1. Fill out our short online Buyer Form below.
  2. Use our firm to make your purchase including presenting all Offers and Counter Offers.
  3. Tell all of your friends and family about the amazing services offered by Georgia Homes and Land.

So for example, let’s say you are buying a $400,000 house…..if you do the three simple things mentioned above we will give you $4,000 cash back at Closing!  It’s that simple!  No gimmicks, no tricks, no hassles and no headaches…..  We offer FULL SERVICE representation and you get a 1% cash back rebate at Closing.

What can you do with an extra few thousand dollars?

So phone, text or email us today and let’s get started!  We’ll show you how easy it is to save thousands on all of your real estate purchases!

Buyer Form

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